How To Burn Stomach Fat- Healthy recipe by Gladious

When it comes to gaining weight you couldn’t choose where it went and consequently, you can’t really choose where it comes off too. However, you can help gear your weight loss in the direction you want. Whenever it comes to burning fat the textbook response is always, eating clean and exercise. But when it comes to how to burn stomach fat there are a few tricks you can keep in your utility belt.

There are 4 key elements when it comes to weight loss:

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  1. Dieting– As the saying goes “abs are built in the kitchen”, although this is only partially true it is a key element in losing weight. You can’t out train a bad diet so you are going to have to make sure to have all your ducks in a row for this journey
  2. Excercise-With your diet in check, you still have to do some training to build the muscle. Vigorous exercise trims all your fat, including belly fat. Studies have indicated that cardio of both high intensity and moderate intensity are the most effective for burning fat. Resistance training, also known as the strength training, it is important for preserving and gaining muscle mass. If you want good results, then you need to combine different methods and styles to change up your routine and keep the weight off
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  3. Sleep- Is very important for many aspects of health, including your weight. Studies show that people who don’t get enough sleep tend to gain weight.
  4. Stress-Everyone has stress, but stress can make you gain belly fat by triggering the adrenal glands to produce cortisol.
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What can help?

Well, we promised this wasn’t just going to be the textbook responses and we committed to that.

1. You may want to consider a fat burner. Now if you take on this before having all the keys above in check it will not be as effective. Fat burners help burn fat in a few ways. Firstly, they help control your appetite by suppressing it. So if you struggle with cravings steering you away from good choices this could be the route for you. Fat burners also help with thermogenesis which basically increases your calorie expenditure. While also boosting your mood and energy. Dieting can get you feeling drained and fuzzy so having a kick can help to smooth the process.

2. You may also want to consider products that help control cortisol levels. If you struggle with high cortisol levels your body will naturally hold on to fat mass more.

Top 5 Back Workout Tips by Gladious

After you’ve been going to the gym for a while and the noobie gains start slowing down, going to the gym can become frustrating. The progress gets addicting. When you’re starting out your technique could be bad, but the gains still come. After the noobie gains, however, you need to focus more on acing each movement for an optimal amount of progress. With that said there are a few tips to keep in mind to get the most of your workouts.

Today we’re going to cover back workout tips.

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Tip 1: The Pause

With every exercise you do, you need to focus on the range of motion throughout the movement. Doing so will strengthen that mind-to-muscle connection. It is important to know when to pause, squeeze and hold. Learn how to squeeze and engage the middle and upper back muscles in your workout it is critical when it comes to maximizing growth to your back muscle

For example:

when doing pull downs you want to bring the bar to your sternum, (not your clavicle) while focusing on driving the movement down with your elbows. When you’ve reached your chest pause and hold the bar for at least a second while squeezing the muscles.

gladious, Top back workout tips by gladious, Top 5 Back Workout Tips by Gladious, Back workout, workout tips, back workout tips by gladious, workout tips by gladious

Tip 2: The Grip

Unlike with our chest workout tips where we talked about your hand placement for grip, for back workouts, we’re going to go over grip strength (although placement matters too). We’ve all been there. You’re in the middle of a heavyweight set and you know you could squeeze out a few more reps when your grip fails and you drop the weight. It sucks. But there are options on how to improve and strengthen your grip. For starters, you can try using chalk or straps But if you really want to work on your grip strength you should build your biceps and forearms. For biceps it’s pretty simple, you can build them up by doing a variation of curls. For forearms, try incorporating forearm curls or farmers walks. 

gladious, Top back workout tips by gladious, Top 5 Back Workout Tips by Gladious, Back workout, workout tips, back workout tips by gladious, workout tips by gladious

Tip 3: The Form

Whether it’s a back workout or any other muscle group, your form matters. For back exercises (like rows, pull-ups, and lat pull-down variations) the general rule of thumb for proper form consists of keeping your chest out, shoulders pulled back, head tall, and your abs tight. Again you want to focus on pulling with your middle – upper back. You want to avoid or minimize your shoulder and trap usage. When your shoulders or trap take over the movement, it promotes internally rotation, which can cause scapular instability that may lead to injury. 

gladious, Top back workout tips by gladious, Top 5 Back Workout Tips by Gladious, Back workout, workout tips, back workout tips by gladious, workout tips by gladious

Tip 4: The Routine

Back days are fun days. Because the muscle group is so large you have so many options on how to build them. However, like with other muscle groups, we tend to find a routine we like and stick to it. Obviously, if you are not incorporating compound movements in your back muscle workout, you should. If your back workout already consists of compound movements and fundamental movements, try isolated exercises. As we said, the muscle group is large. Every small muscle counts. Try incorporating straight arm pull-down to fry up your lats. Also, change the grip placement to target different muscles in your body. If you normally do pull-ups, try doing inverted pulls. For that V-tapper, train your upper lats with a wider grip. 

gladious, Top back workout tips by gladious, Top 5 Back Workout Tips by Gladious, Back workout, workout tips, back workout tips by gladious, workout tips by gladious

Tip 5: The Stretch

If you’ve ever trained your back hard, you’ve probably questioned if your back is just sore or if it’s injured. Having a sore/achy back can make training other muscle groups difficult too. Of course, being sore is part of the program. But if it can be reduced, you can keep training on. What this means is making sure you’re doing a few things; sleeping well, eating enough protein, and warming up/ stretching. For your back workout, and really all workouts, you should consider foam rolling. Foam rolling is kind of like a DIY massage except not as relaxing.

What it’s going to do is help break down fibrous tissue, improve circulation, relieve adhesion, reduce muscle soreness and increase range of motion.

Food Supplement as a meal replacement- Best supplement online store in Pakistan

If you really want to bulk up and want to become healthy you must eat healthy food and must intake vitamins and minerals. Many people replace their daily meal with the supplements to achieve their daily recommended proteins and minerals intake.

The question occurs in my mind what is a Meal Replacement? Yes !!

Generally, it refers to a calorie, controlled and pre-packaged product in the form of powder or a beverage ready to have is used to replace a meal.

Meal Replacement usually provides around 200-250 calories per serving or some may have like more than 20 vitamins, more as 4z00 calories per serving and minerals (at a “healthy” and “good source” of level ) more fiber (as healthy fats).

Meal Replacement is containing more calories than a protein supplement.

Initially, Meal Replacement was used by elderly or ill persons requiring extra nutrition, but now it’s been used for healthy adults too. Many products are available in the market as a convenient source of balanced nutrition for weight loss, maintain or gain specifically.

It’s an easy way to help individuals that are intended to missing meals due to a Meal Replacement ability to be consumed instant food energy without preparation.

There are three categories of meal replacement nutrition.

* Micronutrients ( vitamins &minerals)

* Macronutrients(proteins, fats, carbohydrates)

* Omega 3-fatty acids                     

This nutrition can quickly empty the pocketbook. Bodybuilders sometimes use Meal Replacements, that’s not formulated for weight loss, but boost up energy level just to save food preparation time.

Moreover, I would like to share with you what is a protein supplement?


 Protein supplements typically provide about 100 to 120 calories per serving varying by a brand to brand. It can help you build muscle, lose weight and recover quickly from physical activity. Food Supplement replace, Best supplement online store in Pakistan, Best supplement online store, online store in Pakistan, Best supplement online, Best supplement, Food Supplement, food supplement replace

Protein shakes generally do not contain added vitamins and minerals other than provided by the main protein source for example protein if a supplement is made from dairy protein, then it will also contain calcium.

Adding protein powder in your nutrition plan, it will help you to meet your daily protein needs. It actually the right way of muscle building goals and also help you in weight loss.

Benefits of Protein powder :

Protein provides a high level of amino acids, the building block of muscle.

Amino acids help you to build your muscle stronger and bigger. It helps you to grow muscles. They are the energy fuel to your body muscles.Food Supplement replace, Best supplement online store in Pakistan, Best supplement online store, online store in Pakistan, Best supplement online, Best supplement, Food Supplement, food supplement replace

The amino acids also help your muscles to break down, especially when you are low-calorie diet. This is one reason most of the people who lift high weights like to have a protein shake before going to bed.

It refills the consumption of energy in the body. There are a lot of meal replacement shakes are available in the market, to control hunger and promote muscle growth. This way you are feeding your body all the nutrients it needs to keep you active throughout your day.

For further information regarding which supplement or meal replacement might be helpful for you in the right way, keep reading the next posts and concern to your health care.

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What is Supplement & Creatine Monohydrate-Best supplement online site in Pakistan

Supplements can provide nutrients either extracted from food sources or synthetic, separated individually or in combination.

What is Supplement-Best supplement online site in Pakistan, Best supplement online site in Pakistan, online site in Pakistan, Best supplement , What is Supplement, Creatine Monohydrate, SupplementTaking supplements leads to an increased level of total-consumption of nutrients intake. Many supplements contain active ingredients that may have a strong biological effect. While buying supplements especially from the United States, It is important to read labels and check information about the manufacturer.

If you are quite serious towards your bodybuilding and your goal is to increase your muscle strength or size- supplements can help you to get the most instead of intense training sessions on particular diet plans.

Now i want to share with you what is creatine?

Actually, Creatine provides energy for muscles contraction. It is an energy-boosting supplement-basic function is to enable the body to produce extra energy instantly, its extremely effective during high-intensity training workout. It is designed to be taken before your workout.

Now the question occurs how important is it for the bodybuilders in Pakistan?

In Pakistan that is almost always not possible to get highly-end protein from whole food sources-so adding a bit creatine will go along way in availing your goals. If you are taking creatine regularly and your muscular-building goal is gradually increasing over time, you are probably getting the scored benefits of creatine.

There are tons of different kinds of creatine in the market, and yes you should

absolutely be careful when buying these supplements.

Creatine Monohydrate is the cheapest one available in the market. It actually affects people differently-Creatine Monohydrate will cause your body to hold extra water, you can gain about 3-5 pounds of water.

Consuming more Carbohydrates will make creatine more effective. If you are really concerned with the body muscles you can invest high-quality of creatine. It will help people enhance athletic performance and lean body mass. It is one for that undertaking strength, speed and gaining power-based training. However, this is what people want to enhance body-muscles.

If you’ll be go by this product you will see good results within months.

Thank you guys i hope you got more information and good benefit out of my today’s post.

Let us know of your experience of using the supplements. How fast it effects to enhance your body muscles? share your experience with us.

Feel free to ask any query regarding supplements.

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