How to get Bigger Muscles

Getting Bigger Muscles is easier said than done. It requires handwork and a discipline in the gym and outside the gym. This blog will not give you a magic spell that would transform your body by the time you are done reading it.

Rather it would provide you with information that would help you better understand yourself, thus empowering you to make better decisions in your bodybuilding routine and lifestyle.



You Maybe Over Doing it


Knowing what lifting weights does to your body physically is important. When you lift weights your body goes through a process of “Protein Synthesis”. Where your muscle fibers tears and are reconstructed to get 

 When you start lifting weights your body starts going through changes. Your metabolism gets kicked in a high gear, in addition to building muscle and endurance, it also helps prevent disease and improves your mood.


So what happens when you start overdoing this?


A gym routine is divided into three different stages. All need to be in harmony and should be complementing one another. The absence of even one would impact the results directly.


This is “the rule of thirds” for gym.


Revise the mantara; “Eat, Sleep and Lift… Eat Sleep and Lift”


Rule 1: Nutrition

The phrase “You Are What You Eat” would fit perfectly for such a case. If you eat the right amount of nutrients that would reflect in your gym routine. The better your diet, the better the chances of you recovering quickly from muscle fatigue. While it would essential for building strong and better muscles; Form and Shape.


Rule 2: Mobility

Mobility training is key when it comes to being cautious about the weight lifting and bodybuilding. Mobility movement would allow you to avoid a lot of injuries. 

Just a simple stretch before you start to run or lift weights could help out in not only avoiding injury but also helping with muscle soreness as well.


Rule 3: Sleep

Sleep is very important. Getting the ample amount of rest through the night would help you with your gym routine. An essential 6 to 7 hours of sleep is crucial for optimum success. It does not matter whether you are an early bird or a night owl either way you would need the same amount of sleep.

Keep in mind that an improper sleep cycle would result in an increased cortisol level that would result in higher body fat and reduced muscle gain.

Man with Big Muscles Lifting Heavy Weight

Stop Experimenting, and Start Achieving Goals

We all have been guilty of pushing ourselves too far and trying to lift heavy, with the aim of getting results quickly. Well as mentioned before this is NOT how body building works.


As the word “building” suggests that it is a time consuming process that would take disciple and understanding of the body and how it works. 

Even if a constructor had all the labor in the world to help him construct a skyscraper, it cannot be finished in a day. You need to set a strong foundation and work your way to the top, with each floor being as strong as possible before another could be built over it.

In the same way you need to break your muscles and give them time to recover before you could move towards increasing the weights.


Lifting heavy would not only increase the chances of injury but could also disturb your gym routine. Sore muscles, excess fatigue would compromise your gains and could even risk permanent muscle damage. 


When training volume is important. Knowing how much in total you are going to be lifting in your workout plan should be one of the key metrics that should be followed when measuring results and performance in the gym.


Focus on Compound Lifting, Not Only  Isolated and Machine Exercises


Going to the gym and lifting weights is not enough to get those huge biceps. It is essential that you understand the concept of isolated and compound lifting.


Isolated lifting is when you are lifting weights and only focusing on a single muscle group and working on it. This is good when you want to build mass but one additional element that most of you would be ignoring is the fact that how much can you actually lift.


Online coaches forgot to tell you that you need to lift heavy to get bigger muscles and isolated lifts allow you to work on form and shape. The amount of weight that you lift is solely dependent on your strength.


Therefore, you need to build strength before you can start even thinking about getting huge muscles with form and shape.


It is a process and you cannot simply skip a step, and yes of course it takes time.


So now the only question remains, what are compound exercises. Compound lifting means to lifting weights where more than one muscles are being activated in the lifting motion. 


Utilizing more than a single muscle group would push your body into lifting more and more. To the extent where the single muscle would be exhaust more than what it would have been while performing isolated exercises. This would build up strength which would further allow you to lift more.


You need a strong foundation of strength before you can jump into thinking of building muscle mass. Only working on isolated movements is only going to be pumping blood into the muscle. Strength would allow you to push your muscle more thus achieving a bigger muscle mass.

Switch it Up Every Once in a While


Switching your gym routine up every once in awhile is very important, when it comes to building muscle. When you first started things out your muscles were sore. That was because your muscles were not used to the new exercises and where getting used to them.


The human body is made to adapt and evolve, to survive and be at the top of the food chain. This natural instinct could be the reason for our survival of our species through out the years. This instinct might be the reason why you are not growing muscle. Your body is now used to the exercises and is not challenged by the training or routine that you have going on.


So you need to keep on challenging your body by adding in new exercises. Making sure you are not making drastic changes but rather small incremental changes. 


The best way to switch things up is by alternating between your daily routine exercises. If you used to start your chest day with a bench press try starting it with an inclined bench press. If you started your legs days with a squat try starting it with lunges. This would reanimated your brain into thinking this is a new challenge. Allowing for your muscles to work in dynamics ways making it difficult for them to adapt to the changes.


Don’t make changes to your routine everyday. Just begin with small changes that way you would not risk the chances for any injuries.



  1. Make sure you are not only lifting but also recovering properly. Through a good sleep, authentic nutrients and mobility workout routines.
  2. Consider your body building as stepping stone and don’t skip. Try to jump higher, the risk is not worth it. Lift weights that you can lift and complete your reps and sets.
  3. Pay attention on compound lifting while do isolated lifting to improve your main lifts.
  4. Alternate between routines and exercises to keep the muscle group you are targeting constant challenge.



Keep following our blogs and we will be uploading exercises that would be focusing on how to gain muscle mass on independent body parts.